Friday, May 27, 2011

Sorry it's been so long...

    Wow, I hadn't realized it's been so long since I have last been on here. I really need to start keeping up with these things (something I always say) so that I can keep my friends and family up to date with what I do. Alas I just get busy and things slip through the cracks. I hope you all can forgive me for this though. :D
     Well I guess since I'm updating everyone on my actions I should let you all know that I have finished one more year of school. If everything goes right I should be finishing school at the end of the year next year. I've been applying to jobs in the Grand Rapids and Lansing areas. I'm looking into working at a museum and also possibly going into Event Planning. I'm kind of interested in working at either a Bridal Firm or an all around Event Planning Firm. Definitely not what I thought I would be wanting to do seven years ago.
     Also come Tuesday I will be going to Niagara Falls for the first time. I am so excited. We are going to watch Tim row in what I think is his last regatta of his high school career. Tim by the way is one of Chris' cousins for those who don't know. I'm excited though, and after that we going with his grandparents to New York to work on their family genealogy. Then when we come back to Michigan on the 11th we will be going to Andy Miller's graduation party (another one of Chris' cousins.) He just finished Central and we are all so excited.
    So I guess this is where I am. Hopefully I can try and keep this more to date. Even if no one else reads this it will help me with my writing and gets everything out of me. Guess I should go, Chris is heading into the High School to work and I need to head to the grocery store for Sangria stuff. :D